
Posts Tagged ‘lori roy’

I have to admit I’ve been feeling a little lost from the writing process lately.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe too long of a hiatus?  Distracted by four baseball games a week?  Making an army of cookies and cupcakes?  Or it’s the simple fact I haven’t sat down to finish a re-write and get on the query train.  I have kept up with my homework of studying agents’ blogs, reading up on their authors, and tweeting my brains out to fill the time.  It was on Twitter where I came across this wonderful post about how Lori Roy came together with her agent, Jenny Bent.

I read this blog from a camping chair parked behind home plate while my seven year old son danced around the outfield.  Yes, he literally dances out there.  Part of my new resolution to be a better mother is to stop yelling for him to pay attention to avoid him resenting the game (and me) when he’s older.  To control my outbursts, I pull up Twitter and Facebook on my phone to distract the obvious lack of focus on the field. 

As I went from each chapter of the process for Ms. Roy, I was so with her.  In my head, I’m screamed “I have an agent spreadsheet too!”  Does this mean success is around the corner?  Her experience hit me to the core.  We mirrored each other with two novels shelved after receiving rejections from them (now understanding they weren’t ready, nor was I.)  We’re like identical twins, even down to the feeling of shame when questioning if I’ve wasted my time.  But her resolve was answered. 

When I reached the end, I held back tears so the other parents didn’t think it was because I watched a ball go between my son’s legs as he had his back to the plate at the time.  (I already feel like one of those crazy pageant moms when I wave my arms wildly with commands.)  One of the things to grip me the most was Ms. Roy’s account being so honest and loving.  While always difficult to be in the trenches, there is this love for the process.  I saw it in her telling and I know I have it in my own experience.   Some times are more difficult than others, but the shining goal of seeing your name on a cover is too irresistible to forget because of a bad week, a hectic time, or being plagued by self-doubt.

I’ve shared before my belief things happen for a reason.  As I read the blog, I wondered if this was the push I needed to continue.  A spark lit when I read about her twelve years of writing and the flame has continued to burn as I’ve thought about it the last two days.  I’ve started endless sentences to Hubs with “In that blog I read…”  Ms. Roy was able to give encouragement to someone she doesn’t even know (which I’m sure was the goal.)  Even though I’m elbow deep in powdered sugar and cookie dough, I have an urge to get back to the story; to get back into the game.  Ms. Roy’s experience made me think about how I would write about my own experience finding an agent.  And when I do, I’ll have to thank her personally for her unintentional swift kick in the ass.

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